Norman Xiong

Norman Xiong

About Norman

Norman Xiong may be one of the youngest members of the TravisMathew Team, but he’s already one of the most accomplished. A two-time All-American at the University of Oregon, Xiong won the '17-'18 Jack Nicklaus Award as the top Division 1 golfer and turned pro after his sophomore season, where he took home eight wins. Norman's crazy athletic ability (he continually registers a swing speed over 130+ MPH) and fun personality (friends have been known to call him "The Panda") are a dangerous combination that we at TravisMathew are pretty excited about.

Career Highlights
  • Won ’17-’18 Jack Nicklaus Award as top Division I golfer
  • Two-time All-American (University of Oregon)
Follow Norman

Working out and hanging out with friends.